Wow. Just how many metaphors can be wrung from a photo of curtains?
Well, let's see. How about, curtains for Dumbya and his non-stop idiocy? In a bold move to end America's dependence on foreign oil, the Dimwit-in-Chief has called for more drilling. As if that's going to solve the problem. This guy is so sadly lame, it's hard to keep picking on him. Dumbya, the oil's going to run out. Drill your brains out (an impossible feat, for obvious reasons, I know) - the oil will run out. Let's hope Bary has a better idea. Like putting money into research on alternatives.
Or, do the curtains represent the veil some folks seem to be attempting to draw over Bary's campaign? Lord, save us from the image morons. Here's a nutty notion - Bary's gotten this far without this kind of nonsense. Let him run the way he wants to and trust that people will be smart enough to vote for him. They probably are. They're also smart enough to see through this kind of crap.
Or, maybe they're "curtains" in the gangster sense. Around here, there seems to be a surfeit of feet washing ashore minus the rest of the body. WTF? as the saying goes.
On a final, non-curtains-oriented note, if you need a laugh, go check out the summer issue of Atlantic Monthly. The cover asks, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". Inside, they provide (inadvertently) the answer by publishing an article entitled (brace yourself), "What Rumsfeld Got Right.". Now, if that's not knee-slapping humour, I don't know what is.
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