Here lie the remains of George W. Bush. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Meanwhile, wouldn't you hate to be Joe Biden? He's doomed on Thursday night. I mean, how does an intelligent, experienced human being debate a cretin? How can he possibly avoid squashing her like the tiny mammal she is without looking cruel? McBush tossing her in front of Biden is like any one of us tossing a paralysed 'possum in front of a speeding Peterbilt. The 'possum, cute as it may be (and ain't Sary just the cutest little thang?), is going to be flattened. The laws of physics will ensure that. Sprinting across a field of raw eggs in track spikes while carrying an SUV (hey - they're all-American, right?) without cracking a single shell would be easier than debating Sary without making her look stupid. I mean, after all, she is stupid. Poor Joe.
Have I mentioned lately how stupefyingly glad I am not to own a television?
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