The weather's crappy so thoughts turn to spices...right? Sure. Why not?
Went to see "Burn After Reading" Friday night. It's hilarious. I can't figure out the reviewers who describe it as cold-hearted, or misanthropic. I mean, it might be if you're a member of the consumerist, I'm-entitled-to-whatever-I-want-now! class it mocks, but, otherwise, it's a heck of a good time.
The plot is driven by Frances McDormand's character's desire for (and belief that she's entitled to) cosmetic surgery to tighten up her fat ass (among other things). This sense of entitlement is most explicit when she berates a Russian diplomat for what she perceives as his ill treatment of her in declining to purchase her stolen government documents. "I'm an America citizen, and I won't stand for this sort of treatment!" she shouts when her offer to betray America is turned down.
Her self-centred stupidity leads to two deaths, one coma, and one rapid exit to Venezuela (because they have no extradition treaty with the U.S.). And a lot of confusion among the higher levels of American law enforcement.
Go see it. You'll crack up.
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