It struck me today that I need to do something to ensure that folks reading this blog (all 3 of you) are able to be absolutely clear about just who it is that I'm referring to when I use general terms like "Americans", and the variations thereof, and "Canadians", and the variations thereof. This is because I know at least a few Americans and Canadians who are rational, intelligent people, concerned about social justice, fairness, etc. So, henceforth, whenever you see "Americans", or "Canadians", I'm talking about the folks who think Sarah Palin and Stephen Harper are really, really swell folks. If you don't see the quotation marks (often referred to, appropriately enough, as scare quotes), then I'm talking about the rational folks. If you see "", then I'm talking about the scary lunatics who think that Sarah's just real darn exciting, or that Smirkin' Steve actually represents people with a conscience (not to mention an actual soul).
So, now that that's cleared up, there was a nice little article in today's New York Times about that new darling of "Americans", Sarah (I'd-Never-Burn-My-Bra-When-There-Are-So-Many-Good-Books-To-Burn) Palin. Yep, she's one scary dame. Notice how, in the photo accompanying the article (at least, the one accompanying it at the moment), the microphone is pointing away from Ms. Palin. Lest she say something incriminating?
Oh, what the heck. Here it is:

Given her record, it was obviously taken on one of the very, very few times she wasn't at home tending to her family values. Pay close attention, by the way, to her statement in the article that she wants to be President.
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