O.K., America, time to save Canada. Well, one Canadian, at least. Now, you may think this odd, but our Prime Minister called an election this past Sunday, and it's going to happen before your Presidential election (Yep. One of the strengths of our system is that we don't have to listen to a year or more of crap from politicians before we're forced to vote for one of them.). The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure my fellow Canadians will elect the Smirk-Who-Would-Be-Bush and his odious Ref....er...Canadian Allia.....um, er,....Conservative party to a majority. When that happens, I'm going to go out and buy a crate of the finest scotch I can afford and drink myself senseless. How, you ask, can America help? Please - oh, have mercy! - please don't elect John McBush president when you finally, after months of agony, get to vote. I'm begging you.
Labels: conservative, harper, McBush
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