Could be a shot of an American automobile plant in a few months, but it's not. Nevertheless, you've got to love the Republican party - they will not back down. No sir, they're out to screw the working class in America as deeply into the ground as they possibly can, and won't quit till they're done. If you're an executive at a failed bank, never fear, the money's here! Your $500,000.00+ per annum is safe as long as the Republicans can draw a breath. But, if you're just a working stiff, well, you're stiffed.
These scum hate unions and all they stand for. You know, things like decent wages, healthcare plans, a pension... And they're willing to sink America to prove it. When you're drawing your last welfare cheque in a year's time, wondering what's going to happen next, remember who you've got to thank.
And just how dickheaded are the members of the not-soon-enough-to-be-forgotten Shrub administration? This dickheaded. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to hear just who it was that was so vital to Dumbya that the new President (hey - the first one in eight long years!) couldn't move in temporarily.
Labels: Republican, scum
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