Ah, another unintentional connection. As in, I'll betcha the Republicans (a.k.a. the "Got the morals of a swamp rat? The spine and I.Q. of a small, slime-dwelling invertebrate? You're our kind of people!" party) would like to put them to Rush "Call Me Pimpmeister!" Limbaugh. Or am I giving them too much credit? Hmmmm...you're right - I am.
Of course, this is the party that thinks that Barack Obama got elected solely on the basis of his skin colour. His intelligence? What? His evident concern for his country? What's that got to do with getting elected? His equally evident concern for average people (You know - the ones the Reps would like to think Joe the Not-Actually-a-Plumber represents?)? Why...th...they...they're just little people! What do they matter?
And there are actually people who support this party, right? I mean, really? It's not just a sick rumour? I stand (well, at the moment, to be totally truthful, I sit) amazed.
I also love that they picked a guy named Steele as their party chair. "Please, Mr. Limbaugh, I know I'm the leader of the Republican party and you're just (well, "just" - that's so harsh a word) a...an...an idio...er, I mean, entertainer, and I know I called you bad names and said you might not be a very nice person (and implied that you weren't necessarily too bright), but, please, I'm sorry! Really I am! Really, really, really very, very, very sorry." Maybe Uri Geller is Mr. Steele's chiropractor (I'm assuming that, being Republican, he'd be dumb enough to have a chiropractor).
Ah, I could go on and on, but...hello, I must be going.
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