Ah, another "TwoFer" day, folks.
Spent a bit of time riding around in the woods yesterday. It's one of the nice things about my part of the city. Lots of "not-city" to spend time in. Today, on the other hand, the plan is to ride around in the city. I usually find it hard to focus on photography properly when I'm on my bike because either I miss things or, I see them, but feel reluctant to stop, find a place to lean the bike, dig my camera out of my pack..... Anyway, I'm going to give it another try. Practice makes perfect, right?
And, went to see "State of Play" last night. It's pretty good. It would have been even better if the ending hadn't been so cheezy, but... Buy a ticket, get some popcorn, turn off your brain - you'll enjoy yourself.
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