Wow! Just whets your appetite to look at this joint, doesn't it? (Hint: The correct answer is, "No!")
On a different topic, is it just my imagination or do Adobe products (in this case, Photoshop Elements 7) suck? Lately my version has insisted on running through its automatic update downloader routine every time I start up the program. Yes, I've "turned it off" in "Preferences". Evidently, what I prefer and what Adobe prefers are different, and Adobe wins. Of course, Adobe being Adobe (i.e. stupid), the updater completely takes over the program, making it impossible to carry on working. Who designed this? What sort of moron would do this?
Well, finally fed up with this, I uninstalled Elements, then reinstalled it. Guess what? Now it won't recognize files from my D90's SD card (can't wait to try the card from my G10). It'll recognize the ones that I imported yesterday (before I did the un/re-install), but none from the card. Fa-a-a-a-ntastic.
And, yes, I did download and install the latest version of camera RAW.
Bibble. It's a nice program and I think I'm just going to have to learn to work with it.
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