Lest anyone think I only pick on poor, dumb, Dumbya,
here's a story from my home and native land. Apparently the Quebec police were stupid enough to send 3 of their "finest" to a protest aimed at a summit among our hero, Smirkin' Steve, Dumbya himself, and Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon. The mission of these fine officers seems to have been to try to provoke violence among the protesters, thus enabling "justified" arrests of some of these dangerous "extremists". According to the Stunningly Stupid Stockwell Day (he's Canada's Public Security Minister), the poor officers were "...innocent, I tell ya! Innocent!" Yes, they were being pressured by the extremists to throw rocks, and, well, golly, they just
knew that was wrong. But, those nasty "extremists" kept picking on them!
Now, notice the photo accompanying the story. Notice the "extremist" confronting the officers. Seems to be a bald, paunchy guy in, to be generous, his mid-50s. White shirt, sport jacket, face clearly visible. Notice the poor, picked-upon police officers. Masked, young, burly. Just in case you missed it, the first word there was "
masked". I don't know, maybe I've missed something. Isn't it the
bad guys who wear masks?