Back in the 60s (gad) there were the "Rat Pack" movies and "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World" - movies in which rich stars seemed determined to employ every friend who'd ever acted or not acted, just for the pure fun of it. Burt Reynolds did the same thing in the 70s with his "Cannonball Run" movies. Evidently, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are the 21st century's practitioners of this art.
I watched "Death Proof" (or is that "Deathproof"?) a couple of weeks ago, and just finished watching "Planet Terror". These movies got slammed pretty hard by critics, as I recall, when they came out. Frankly, I think the critics missed the point. Or the lack thereof. They're funny. They're fun. Yes, "Deathproof" makes virtually no sense, but who cares? Was no one paying attention to Zoe Bell? Or any of the other actors? And both films are packed with great stunts, many of them (especially in "Deathproof") done "for real" as opposed to CGI. And everyone's having such a darn good time thoughout.
So, if the critics put you off, remember, these films are goofs on the 50s exploitation movies - but much, much better. Go rent 'em and have a good time.
deathproof was a lot of fun. especially the end. Now, the happening, stay away from that movie.
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