One thing you've got to give the U.S. Supreme Court, at least four of them are damn consistent. Call them "The Four Cretins of the Apocalypse": Sam Alito, Big Tony
Scalia, Cloddish Clarence Thomas and Jumpin' Johnny Roberts - you can count on them to vote for Big Money, Death and Planetary Pillaging. They love that stuff!
Yes, raping a child (or, let's face it, anyone) is heinous, reprehensible, despicable, etc. Does it merit state-sanctioned murder? Isn't murder illegal? Or is it only illegal when someone does it without the court's permission? I always get confused on this. Can Johnny Roberts bless my murdering someone and make it O.K.?
Sadly, Bary seems to be on the side of the "Kill the Bastards!" faction. Well, that'd kill my vote right away. You're in favour of state sanctioned murder, Bary? O.K. And my vote goes to........nobody, I guess (sure as hell couldn't vote for McBush). Lucky thing I'm Canadian, eh? I guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that actually eligible-to-vote Americans will point out to Bary that most of the civilized world regards capital punishment as morally repugnant. I've sent my email. How 'bout you?
Evidently, the Supremes can make environmental destruction on a massive scale O.K. "The skipper's a booze-hound? Come on, give the guy a break! It's a big job running a big ship. A guy's gotta have an outlet, right?" Evidently, 5 Supremes (the usual suspects plus David Souter on a bad day) certainly seem to agree.
Labels: court, death penalty, obama, roberts, supreme
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