Well, a good news/bad news/business-as-usual news kind of day. I'd ask which you'd like first, but...
We'll start with some of the business-as-usual news. At least, it's business as usual for the criminal conspiracy currently referred to as the "Bush administration". In every civilized country in the world, efforts are made to ensure that the judiciary is as apolitical as possible (an exception, recently, being my own - see yesterday's post). Not so in the Kingdom of the Shrub. Evidently, rational people need not apply.
And now, in the spirit of Faux News (fair and balanced, as long as you're a right-wing conservative god-fearing nitwit), some good news. At least, I hope it's good news. Given that it's coming out of Florida and is in relation to conservation, I'm a little leery. This is a state that declares an area a "nature preserve", then converts it to housing subdivisions, so, the notion that they seem to be doing something that's good for "nature"...well, it's just hard to accept at face value. But, what the heck, I'll just go all Pollyanna and believe they're actually doing right for a change. Go, Charlie!
Last, but not least, and not good, this little story from the McCain campaign. Yep, these are the kind of people I'd want running my country. "Yeah, we'd spike the numbers big-time if only some lunatic would blow up a couple thousand American citizens. Johnny'd be a shoo-in!" Gotta love Republicans. They're nothing if not consistent. Too bad their consistency is largely in the area of stupidity.
One more thing - I've added a new link over there in the sidebar. It's to "The Landscapist" (a.k.a. Mark Hobson). Some of his stuff is a tad cute - "picturing" instead of "photographing", for example - but he's a thoughtful guy and a damn good photographer, so his site is worth visiting. I especially love his entry for June 23rd. Couldn't have said it better myself. Nor with any less zeal.
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