So, is Bary going to open the door to the vice-presidency for Hills? Wouldn't you love to be able to listen in on those discussions? Eeyikes. She pretty much tried to kill him during the campaign. And, she showed herself to be, um, less than, oh - ethical? - calling him "elitist" over remarks that, if anyone actually read them, were clearly not. And accusing Democrats who favoured Bary of doing so out of sexism (Hint to Hills - don't call the people you're trying to get to support you stupid.). On the other hand, half the Democrats in the States wanted her as their candidate. Picking her for VP would pretty much force those folks to vote for Bary. Kind of a conundrum, isn't it?
On the other hand, voting for McBush has just gotten harder, even for die-hard Republicans, I would think. After all, aren't these the people who hate government "interference" in any form? Are they really going to be enthused about a candidate who's keen on tapping their phones?
By the way, all credit to Maureen Dowd for the "McBush" moniker.
On the "bad news" front, looks like I'm going to have to close my secret Swiss bank account. Can't wait to see how this one plays out.
Last, but not least (at least, not if you're a photographer), there's this little item. Now, get out there and get snapping! If you don't, the terrorists will have won!
Labels: clinton, McBush, McCain, obama, photography, stupidity, terrorism
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