O.K., this isn't likely to be pretty. K & S? Turn away. S? Same. Anybody else of a halfway intelligent, liberal bent in America, listen the fuck up (does that give you a clue?).
I was reading
Maureen Dowd's column earlier today and you people are beginning to scare me. Badly. You're pissed off 'cause Hillary lost?!? And you might vote for McBush, or not vote at all?!? 'Cause you're
peeved?!? 'Cause
you're peeved?!? 'Cause poor Hilly lost? Get a grip! No, sorry, make that get a
fucking grip! In fact, make that get a fucking grip you self-centred, pitiful moron. She lost because she made mistakes.
She was the first to start attacking instead of proposing intelligent ideas.
She called Obama an elitist when what he actually said was, to anyone with the wit to read someone's words, obviously not.
She voted for the current debacle in Iraq, not Obama. She had no plan for ending it. She, to put it succinctly,
fucked up. And I started out as a Hillary supporter, let me tell you.
anyone, at this juncture in U.S. history, could actually be paying attention to a candidate's skin colour (genetic tan vs. too much time in the sun - something for the
truly stupid to consider), weight (you
have to be kidding!), or gender (the notion that
anyone worries about that is physically painful - Margaret Thatcher? Golda Meir? Need I say more? Really?), in short, anything other than intellect and ethics is stunning. If you care more about how skinny your President is than whether he or she is going to try to make your lives better, and bring honour (I know - a foreign concept to many Americans) back to your country, please, please, please, stay home in November, because you've obviously got the I.Q. of a small soil invertebrate (damn - was that an elitist comment?).
And I won't even
start on how incredibly moronic the American fascination with a person's "faith" is. Christian? Which version? Catholic? Baptist (Southern? Northern?), Mormon?, Episcopalian? Not to mention Jew? Muslim? Hindu? Sikh? Buddhist? (I know, I know - most of you don't even
consider the notion that there might be more than one religion. It's far too confusing). Of course, atheist is simply inconceivable.
I warned you it wouldn't be pretty. But, really, there's only so much a person can take. Entertaining as America is to the rest of the world (Comedy Central has nothing on the reality of America), really, I've got friends there whose lives I would really like to see made better. No one should be embarrassed by their place of birth. America had a lot going for it, and could again. Put your brain in gear and vote for Obama. Will that work? Who knows? But you're totally fucked if you let the election go to McBush.
That's guaranteed.
Who'd'a thunk that my friends regard me as someone with a subtle sense of humour?
Labels: America, election, McBush, McCain, obama