How can that kid run in those heels?
Maybe she feels Smirkin' Steve and his Cretinous Party breathing down her neck. I'm sooooooooo depressed. Not to mention embarrassed. This is the guy who wants to put 14-year-olds in jail for life, tax the poor and give to the rich, privatise healthcare, make abortion illegal...and yet, my fellow Canadians are re-electing him! Granted, in typical Canadian fashion, the cause for celebration is, um, dubious. But still...
Please America! Elect Obama! Please don't force me to turn to heavy drinking and Prozac!
Say...speaking of heavy drinking...I was in my local wine emporium this evening, picking up a couple of bottles, and overheard a woman grilling one of the clerks on which beers had preservatives in them. Now, I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that she was worried about the potential health effects of said nasty preservatives. It was all I could do not to wander up to her and point out that a) alcohol, a key ingredient in beer, is a preservative, b) it's also a sterilizing agent, and c) it's a poison! What could anyone possibly add to that? God, I love stupid people!
Labels: conservative, harper, smirkin' steve
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