We're baa-aa-ck.
So, the file name for this shot is "wake up". Darned appropriate in this election season, wouldn't you say? To begin...
Americans - any of you thinking even slightly of voting for John McBush - wake the fuck up! Your country, thanks to Bush and his fellow Republican cretins, is in the toilet. Monetarily, morally, and any other way you want to look at it. These creeps have gotten as close to destroying your country as it's possible to get without actually doing it. And, trust me, the data's not all in yet on that - it's just possible that they have, in fact, destroyed America. Worried about Osama? Get a grip. He's got nothing on these weasels.
Meanwhile, here in Canada, my home and native land, the situation's almost as dire. People are actually thinking about voting Ref......er.....Canadian Allia......damn!....Conservative. Talk about cretins! These doofuses can't even come up with a creepy plan of their own - they have to imitate Republicans. Life sentences for 14 year olds! Who's dimwit idea was that? Global warming isn't real! Yep, they've got the finest "scientific" minds available working for them. And I particularly love this! The party has realized that their own leader is such a vile slug that they're advising him to shut up totally between now and the election. Yep, that's what you want in a nation's leader - a guy too stupid, or slimey, or whatever it is his own party thinks is his problem, to allow him to speak in public.
Golly, I feel much better being back at this.
Labels: Bush, conservative, harper, McBush, McCain, Republican
Wow, very nicely said. Any suggestions on who should run this country?
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