The label on the cigarette pack mentions something about how smoking can lead to breathlessness. Really? How surprising that filling your lungs with particulate matter, various heavy metals, and assorted chemical toxins might lead to breathlessness.
Or, how about this? Ann Coulter's been to Canada. At at least one venue, protests against her presence lead to the cancellation of her talk. She got all miffed, accusing Canadians of being anti-free speech. I wonder if Ann smokes. Hypoxia does, after all, kill brain cells. But, that's neither here nor there. What's to the point is that Annie, like the nitwits who can't tell bad air from good, can't tell free speech from the spewing of irrational hatred and vitriol. There's no guarantee anywhere for the freedom to pursue that sort of discourse.
So, should the University of Ottawa have canceled her talk? Well, why not? Of course, it would have been better if they'd just ignored her in the first place and not invited her to give said talk, but, c'mon Annie, they were just indulging in their own form of freedom of speech. They spoke the word, "No". They expressed their change of heart. Which, of course, they were perfectly free to do.
It'll be a grand day (not to mention a cold day in hell) when bottom-feeding nitwits like Annie, and Rush, and Glenn disappear from the airwaves.
Like what I get when I climb a lot of stairs, or right after a vigorous session of tummy bumping?
Or is that some polite, Canadian way of saying diminished lung capacity?
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