Man, I'm not sure I'm a fan of being prescient, but, what did I say yesterday? That it wouldn't surprise me if Obama suddenly seemed less than eager to end the war in Iraq? And... Funnily enough, on this point I'm in agreement with him. The first place I ever saw a sign saying, "If you break it, you've bought it", was in a store in the States. Well, kids, you broke it and you've darn well bought it. You let Dumbya stampede you into a stupid (and, just for emphasis, let me repeat that - STUPID) war and now you're stuck with the moral obligation to re-stabilize what was once a stable (albeit corrupt, dictatorial) country. Yep. You can't go blowing a country to smithereens just because the corrupt dictator you put in power in the first place is no longer cooperative. America (and, therefore, Americans) owe it to the people of Iraq to stay there until the country is safe again. Will that happen anytime soon? Not on your life. Does that mean more Americans will die there? You betcha. Is that the Iraqis' fault? Not really. America fucked up (thanks to the Meatball-in-Chief and his henchmen) big time. And America is morally obligated to put things right. Sad, but true.
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