Well, as I thought, Gov. Jim-Bob Jindal, the Republican non-white answer to President Obama (where's the "blonde" answer, that's what I want to know. Or the "red head", for that matter. 'Cause, as we all know, hair colour is
such a determining factor in intelligence and competence, even more so than skin colour.) is, to put it gently, a
fuck-up. The link is to our very own National Post (the FOX News of Canadian print journalism). If these guys think he sucked, well, he
sucked. The really great thing about that last link? He was slagging Sorry Palin's (remember her? with a shudder?) home state. Faaaaantastic! Way to shoot down your own party's Big Hope for 2012, Bobby! She's a money-sucking weasel! Oh, that's brilliant (not to mention true!).
Want to have fun with your Republican friends? Ask them to conjugate the verb, "to think". O.K., first of all you'll have to explain to them what "conjugate" means, but, once you've clarified that for them, get set for big time amusement. They won't be able to deal with either the first-person singular, nor the first-person plural. "I th...th...th.......wait......I'll come back to that one.
You think, he thinks, we th.....we th.....th.......shit! I'll come back to that one, too......" Trust me, you'll get hours of fun out of this. For a follow-up, try them out on the verb, "to screw". Trust me, they'll have
no problem with either the first-person singular or plural. As we all know, when it comes to screwing, Republicans are your "run from" experts.